
Definition: Meaning of, Co. in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / kəʊ /

  • synonym
  • antonym
  1. the abbreviation of company
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  2. and co British English spoken the other members of a particular group of people
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  3. the written abbreviation of county
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Co. used in phrases

  • Alaska cod (noun)
    1. closely related to Atlantic cod
    1. a US website that sells books, music, toys etc. You make your order and pay over the Internet, and the books, toys etc are sent to you through the post. Amazon also have websites in other countries such as the UK ( and Germany (
  • Atlantic cod (noun)
    1. one of the world's most important commercial fishes
  • CO2 (noun)
    1. a heavy odourless colourless gas formed during respiration and by the decomposition of organic substances; absorbed from the air by plants in photosynthesis
  • COD (noun)
    1. cash on delivery a payment system in which the customer pays the person who delivers the goods to them
  • Cape Cod
    1. a CAPE ( 2) in southern Massachusetts in the US which is a popular place for tourists
  • Cape Cod Bay (noun)
    1. the southern part of Massachusetts Bay
  • Cape Cod Canal (noun)
    1. a canal connecting Cape Cod Bay with Buzzards Bay
  • Col.
    1. the written abbreviation of colonel
  • Con
    1. British English the written abbreviation of Conservative, in British politics
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