Church of Scotland

Definition: Meaning of, Church of Scotland in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɒv;(ə)v ˈskɒtlənd /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. the Church of Scotland the state church in Scotland
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Church of Scotland used in phrases

  • Episcopal Church of Scotland (noun)
    1. an autonomous branch of the Anglican Communion in Scotland
  • Free Church of Scotland, the
    1. a small group of Protestant Christians mainly in the Highlands of Scotland, who are against any form of work on Sundays. Its members are sometimes called wee frees
  • Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland, the
    1. a small group of Protestant Christians mainly in the Highlands of Scotland. It has similar views to the Free Church of Scotland, especially in connection with keeping Sunday for study of the Bible and worship of God.
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