
Definition: Meaning of, Carduelis in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. in some classifications considered the type genus of a subfamily Carduelinae of the family Fringillidae: goldfinches; siskins; redpolls; linnets
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Carduelis used in phrases

  • Carduelis cannabina (noun)
    1. small Old World finch whose male has a red breast and forehead
  • Carduelis carduelis (noun)
    1. small European finch having a crimson face and yellow-and-black wings
  • Carduelis cucullata (noun)
    1. south American species of scarlet finch with black head and wings and tail
  • Carduelis flammea (noun)
    1. small siskin-like finch with a red crown and a rosy breast and rump
  • Carduelis hornemanni (noun)
    1. small siskin-like finch with a red crown
  • Carduelis spinus (noun)
    1. small yellow-and-black Eurasian finch with a sharp beak
  • genus Carduelis (noun)
    1. in some classifications considered the type genus of a subfamily Carduelinae of the family Fringillidae: goldfinches; siskins; redpolls; linnets
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