
Definition: Meaning of, C.E. in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / siː /

  • adverb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
  1. of the period coinciding with the Christian era; preferred by some writers who are not Christians
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C.E. used in phrases

  • C clef (noun)
    1. a movable clef that puts middle C on one of the lines of a staff
  • Chen (noun)
    1. wild goose having white adult plumage
  • Chen caerulescens (noun)
    1. north American wild goose having dark plumage in summer but white in winter
  • Cree (noun)
    1. the Algonquian language spoken by the Cree
    2. a member of an Algonquian people living in central Canada
  • Crex (noun)
    1. corncrakes
  • Crex crex (noun)
    1. common Eurasian rail that frequents grain fields
  • F clef (noun)
    1. a clef that puts the F below middle C on the fourth line of a staff
  • G clef (noun)
    1. a clef that puts the G above middle C on the second line of a staff
  • Yang Chen Ning (noun)
    1. born in 1922 born in China united States physicist who collaborated with Tsung Dao Lee in disproving the principle of conservation of parity
  • alto clef (noun)
    1. a clef that puts middle C on the third line of a staff
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