
Definition: Meaning of, Bohr in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. 1885-1962 danish physicist who studied atomic structure and radiations; the Bohr theory of the atom accounted for the spectrum of hydrogen
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Bohr used in phrases

  • Bohr theory (noun)
    1. physics a theory of atomic structure that combined Rutherford's model with the quantum theory; electrons orbiting a nucleus can only be in certain stationary energy states and light is emitted when electrons jump from one energy state to another
  • Bohr, Niels Henrik David
    1. (1885-1962) a Danish scientist who made important discoveries in NUCLEAR PHYSICS, especially discoveries about the structure of atoms
  • Niels Bohr (noun)
    1. 1885-1962 danish physicist who studied atomic structure and radiations; the Bohr theory of the atom accounted for the spectrum of hydrogen
  • Niels Henrik David Bohr (noun)
    1. 1885-1962 danish physicist who studied atomic structure and radiations; the Bohr theory of the atom accounted for the spectrum of hydrogen
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