
Definition: Meaning of, Armillaria in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. genus of edible mushrooms having white spores an annulus and blue juice; some are edible; some cause root rot
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Armillaria used in phrases

  • Armillaria caligata (noun)
    1. fungus with a brown cap and white gills and a membranous ring halfway up the stalk
  • Armillaria ponderosa (noun)
    1. a large white mushroom that develops brown stains as it ages; gills are white; odour is spicy and aromatic; collected commercially for oriental cooking the Pacific Northwest
  • Armillaria zelleri (noun)
    1. a large fungus with viscid cap that dries and turns brown with age; gills are off-white
  • booted armillaria (noun)
    1. fungus with a brown cap and white gills and a membranous ring halfway up the stalk
  • genus Armillaria (noun)
    1. genus of edible mushrooms having white spores an annulus and blue juice; some are edible; some cause root rot
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